First Week of Phase 2!

Last Friday, Pierce County officially advanced to Phase 2 of Washington's 4-Phase plan to reopen the state. So this week, I was able to do a lot of things for the first time in 3 months! I went to a brewery, ate inside a restaurant, met with my team in-person, went to the gym, and got a haircut! 

I know that the world is definitely not back to "normal", but it was incredibly nice being able to see people and do activities that have been prohibited for half of 2020. What a year it's been so far! 


For the month of May, my challenge was to hit 10,000 steps every single day. This was NOT easy, but it was one of my favorite monthly challenges to date. It forced me to spend time outside every day during a time when most of our lives are stuck inside. I explored new parts of my neighborhood, listened to tons of good audiobooks while on runs, golfed 4 times, and went on more walks than any other month EVER. I've never been someone to just "go for a walk", but now I understand how much this simple act can clear your mind and make you feel completely refreshed.

I also did intermittent fasting every day in May, and I attempted to go the whole month without snoozing my alarm clock. I ended up snoozing about 5 times, but this is still HUGE progress for me (I'm usually a perpetual snoozer). May was all about forming habits for the Theory Team. A group of 14 of us committed to each forming at least 3 positive habits over the course of the month. It was so cool having a whole group of Accountability Partners to report back to daily. I'm not sure if I'll continue hitting 10,000 steps every day, but I will definitely go on more walks. I plan to continue intermittent fasting, and I'm not giving up on my goal to eradicate my snooze button addiction.

For the month of June, my challenge is simple: To Exercise Every Day. After a month of mostly cardio, I'm reintroducing some weight-lifting and other workouts. I'm also cutting Junk Food and Sweets out of my diet. Can't believe that we're in the last month of Q2!


Another Travel Story!
I'm having WAY too much fun scrolling through old photos.

After about a week in Chile, I flew to Argentina for the next leg of my trip. I stayed at a cool hostel in Buenos Aires, AKA the "Paris of the South". It was an absolutely beautiful city with incredible architecture. I rented a bike while I was there and explored as much of the enormous city as I could. I also took a ferry from Buenos Aires to Colonia, Uruguay for a day trip. SUPER cool old city with mostly cobblestone streets. 

Here's an excerpt from my travel blog: "Update on my sunburn: It’s gotten so much worse. I thought it would be a good idea to apply sunscreen only on the areas that were previously burned and not on the other areas to “even out” my burn. Yeah, not my best idea. I now have 3 different layers of sunburn: 1. burned/somewhat tan arms and neck that are starting to peel (gross); 2. freshly burned shoulders and nose; and 3. a small strip on my arm that has miraculously escaped the sun and is still completely white. I’ve gone through an entire bottle of Aloe Vera in 5 days. I’m considering making a separate blog to follow the adventures of my sunburn."

Full Blog Post:

Yesterday marked exactly 4 YEARS since I graduated from the University of Washington. Time flies!

Going to UW was easily one of the best decisions in my life. 


Remember that one time when every single happy hour and team event was virtual for 3 months...?

Yeah me neither…

Thankful that Zoom Happy Hours are a thing of the past! 

I recently recommended this book to a friend who is interested in investing in real estate, but then I realized that I should probably read it myself before suggesting it to other people!

I started reading it this past week, and it does a GREAT job breaking down real estate investing for beginners. If you're ever thinking about investing, I'd love to chat :) 

Time Flies. Treasure Every Experience.