Posting on Social Media Every Day for a Month
For the month of August, I completely cut out social media from my life. For the month of September, I posted on social media every day. Neither of these options felt quite right.
In August, I really enjoyed disconnecting and feeling more present in my day-to-day life. However, I missed documenting memories on social media and seeing what my friends were up to.
In September, I was able to share some of my life online and learn about friends’ engagements, baby announcements, and career changes. But posting every day sometimes felt forced and inauthentic, and I definitely started redeveloping my bad habit of constantly checking social media.
So what now? I’m not quite sure. I don’t have a perfect solution that will help me achieve the ideal balance with social media. I believe that social media presents some of the biggest challenges of this day and age. Everyone posts their highlight reels and best moments online (myself included), but this causes others to compare themselves, which can lead to depression and other serious mental health issues.
I’m personally going to try my best to be more vulnerable on social media and share what I’m going through - the good and the bad. We all have things we’re struggling with in life, and I think we can learn a lot from each other. I’m also going to pay more attention to my mental health and how it’s affected by social media. I may disappear every once in a while if I need a break. Cheers to personal growth and self awareness!
My October Challenge
A Day in my Life
Every day is a gift. I’m learning to enjoy the journey and appreciate the special moments throughout the day. Here are some highlights from my Tuesday. It wasn’t perfect. I had several moments of stress, sadness, and uncertainty. But I’m choosing to focus on the good, grow from the bad, and keep things in perspective.
Woke up at 4:30 and started the day with a workout (5th day in a row not snoozing my alarm)
Breakfast meeting with Cole at the Homestead on South Tacoma Way
Productive meetings with our Marketing Team and our Productivity Coaches
Filmed a marketing video from the comfort of my bed lol
Monthly All-Team Meeting at Edison Square (our team rocks and never ceases to amaze me)
Rainy walk with Griffey
Chatted with a new client about buying their first home
Monthly Tacoma Rescue Mission board meeting
Tried a new recipe in the Instant Pot
Congrats Alfred, Nick, and Julia!
Congrats to a few of my friends for buying their first homes in the last month! Love being part of this huge milestone in my friends' lives :)
What’s New?
Officially moved back up to Seattle! The last 4 years in Tacoma have been amazing, and moving is very bittersweet. But Georgetown is only 30 minutes north, and I'll still be back in the City of Destiny a few times a week. So excited to explore this new neighborhood!
If you asked me when I was 10 years old what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have said an Architect. I've always had an appreciation for tall buildings and beautiful homes. Throughout my childhood, my family went to the Street of Dreams every year, which is basically a street of new construction luxury homes that the public is able to tour. It was so fun continuing the tradition and going down to Portland with some of our team!
First Hike of Fall! Hiked up to Rachel Lake a few weeks ago and soaked up the last 70+ degree day of the year
We are less than a month away from Theory’s 5-Year Anniversary! So excited to celebrate with this incredible team at our Masquerade Ball next month :)